Foundation Statement


"The committee gives wide publicity to immortal revolutionary career and exploits of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il who dedicated their all to national unity and reunification and greatness of supreme leader Kim Jong Un who successfully carries out the preceding leaders' behests for reunification.
It publicizes the south Korean people's admiration on the immortal feats of leader Kim Jong Il who kept the Korean peninsula safe from the imperialist allied forces with his Songun politics and the greatness of supreme leader Kim Jong Un who developed the DPRK into the mighty nuclear power and frustrate the US nuclear blackmail.
The committee organizes commemorative meetings, issues statements and special editions on the occasions of important events such as publications days of the three charters for national reunification and inter-Korean declarations.
It positively supports the righteous cause of Korean people to implement the inter-Korean declarations under the banner of the Korean-nation-itself.
The committee denounces the reactionary nature of the US hostile policy towards the DPRK, the pro-US and anti-national maneuvers and the treachery rule of south Korean puppets. It widely publicizes the just struggle of the DPRK people for reunification and the south Korean people for independence, democracy and reunification.
The committee wages various solidarity actions such as picket, post of a protest letter and issue of statement in denunciation of frenzied anti-DPRK war maneuvers of the US and south Korean bellicose forces.
The committee conducts joint actions with the political parties and organizations of the UK and other countries supporting the peace and reunification of Korea.
The committee establishes a website to upload the publicizing materials of the committee, the AINDF and the other solidarity organizations and introduce their activities


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