To British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula-from the AINDF

To British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula

We send ardent congratulations, firm solidarity and militant greetings to you.
The formation will be a great encouragement to the just sacred struggle of the Korean people for national reunification. It will inspire the Korean people and world’s peace-loving people and deliver an astounding blow to the US, the ringleader of world’s reactionaries and peace breakers, and its vassal forces.
Now, on the Korean Peninsula, the danger of nuclear warfare threatening the Korean people and world’s peace-loving people is increasing. With up-to-date nuclear war hardware, the US wages frenzied and aggressive anti-DPRK maneuvers ever known in history.
In these circumstances, we think that the formation of the committee is very timely and the committee is helpful to the struggle for withdrawal of US troops from south Korea and Korea’s independent reunification.
We will do our best for the successful activities of the committee.
We offer warm congratulations to the formation of the committee and hope greater successes.

Comradely yours

AINDF Pyongyang Mission
June 12, Juche 106 (2017)
Pyongyang, DPRK


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