Statement of the BSCPRKP in support of Pomminryon joint resolution
The British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula issued the following statement in support of the joint resolution adopted by the Pan -National Alliance for Korea's Renification :
On Sunday 25th of March The North, South and Overseas Headquarters of the Pan-National Alliance for Korea's Reunification (Pomminryon) adopted a joint resolution which stressed the need to firstly ,push forward the moves towards inter-Korean reconcillation under the banner of "By Our Nation Itself "and to reject outside interference , secondly , to foster an atmosphere for peaceful reunification , thirdly , to fight for peace on the Korean peninsula and oppose war moves , fourthly, to strengthen the role of Pomminryon.
We support the joint resolution. Independent reunification should be carried forward . For Korean reunification to be successful it is nessecary to expel all foreign forces from the Korean peninsula .
Moreover all war moves such as military exercises on the Korean peninsula should be opposed !
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