Statement of the BSCPRKP on the recent talks between between DPRK supreme leader Marshal KIM JONG UN and the delegation of the envoy of the south Korean president
6th of March 2017
The British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification on the Korean peninsula today issued the following statement regarding the meeting that took place between the DPRK supreme leader respected Marshal KIM JONG UN and the envoys of the south Korean president:
Talks took place between the DPRK Supreme leader dear repseted Marshal KIM JONG UN and the representatives of the south Korean president on the 6th of March . A major outcome of the talks was an agreement to hold an inter-Korean summit . This will be the first inter-Korean summit for nearly 1 11 years . It is a big step forward for the Korean nation and people. It is a significant breakthough in the struggle for reunification.
This significant breakthough has come about because of the efforts of dear respected Marshal
KIM JONG UN who is working strenously for peace and reunification on the Korean peninsula . It is a manifestation of the Juche-orientated stand of the DPRK for independent reunification !
We support these efforts for peace and reunification and call for a final end to outside inferference , chiefly that of the US, on the Korean peninsula .
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