Ongoing June Resistance

Ongoing June Resistance

31 years have passed since the June Popular Resistance in which the south Korean people waged a massive struggle for putting an end to a military fascist dictatorial rule and realizing democracy of the society.
Broad segments of south Korean people took to the streets to launch a vigorous actions such as rallies and protests across south Korea, chanting slogans “Down with dictatorship”, “Secure democratic constitution” and “US, stop support to dictatorial rule”.
The military junta tried to mangle the June Popular Resistance with bayonet, however, the uprisers brought the military junta to their knees through unyielding struggle.   
The June Popular Resistance was an eruption of the pent-up resentment and grudge of the south Korean people against the ruthless military dictatorial rule. Itwas a precious fruition of the south Korean people gained in their struggle to liquidate the military fascist rule and achieve independence, democracy and reunification.
Several decades have passed, however, the martyrs' desire for independence, democracy and reunification has not yet been realized.
The conservatives such as the Liberty Korea Party, descendants of Chun Doo-hwan and Roh Tae-woo military fascist cliques, are making desperate efforts togratify their ambition to come back to power, while making frantic attempt to slander the efforts of the DPRK for improving inter-Korean relations and block the stream of peace on the Korean Peninsula. 
If the treacherous group gain power in south Korea, the aspirations and desire of the people for independence, democracy and reunification can never come true.
The south Koreans are waging a dynamic action to bury the treacherous group and achieve peace, prosperity and reunification of the country in the spirit of the June Popular Resistance.


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