In demand of lift of sanctions and adoption of a war-end declaration

In demand of lift of sanctions and adoption of a war-end declaration

Civic and social organizations launched a campaign demanding the lift of anti-DPRK sanctions and the adoption of a war-end declaration.
The Daejeon Headquarters of the South Side Committee for Implementing June 15 Joint Declaration began an all-people signature campaign outside the Daejeon City Education Office on September 4, explaining to the passers-by the need to adopt a war-end declaration, conclude a peace treaty and lift the anti-DPRK sanctions.
On September 8, they sang of peace and reunification, marching along the streets in Daejeon and called for broad segments of people to take part in the signature campaign demanding the lift of anti-DPRK sanctions and the adoption of a war-end declaration.  
An organization called Seoulkyorehana launched an action demanding the lift of anti-DPRK sanctions and the adoption of a war-end declaration in Seoul.
Displaying photos of inter-Korean events and data revealing the anti-DPRK sanctions blocking the implementation of the Panmunjeom declaration, they launched a signature-collecting drive demanding the lift of sanctions and the adoption of the war-end declaration.
Members of the organization called on the public to make a war-end delegation with the concerted efforts, explaining to citizens how the sanctions are blocking the inter-Korean exchange.
In the meantime, the South Side Committee for Implementing June 15 Joint Declaration held a news conference in Seoul on September 14 to declare an action plan to suspend the anti-DPRK sanctions and adopt the war-end declaration.  
In order to convey the people’s voice of different strata for peace, they formed a civic delegation to send to New York where the UN General Assembly to be held from Sep. 24 to 30. 
It would hand a letter containing opinion of the south Koreans demanding the suspension of sanctions against the DPRK and the adoption of war-end declaration to the Secretariat of the United Nations, it pointed out.


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