Total withdrawal of part-time job!

On Nov. 10, a rally of workers took place under the sponsorship of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions in Seoul.
About 60 000 workers from across south Korea took part in the rally to renew their victory in the general strike.

Retrogressive labor policy by family-controlled conglomerates and business groups, defunct labor commitment and stationary old legacies: expectation of the government is changing into disappointment and despair, the KCTU deplored.
It would transform the south Korean society in the spirit of the candlelight resistance and it is a sound succession to spirit of Chun Tae-il in 1970, it noted.
Prior to the rally, eleven trade unions including the Metal Workers Trade Union and the Mart Trade Unions held meetings outside the Cheongwadae and Seoul.  
At the rally the KCTU declared a joint action against 1.1 million part-timers from Nov. 12 to 16 and planned to open mass rally on Dec. 1 in Seoul.


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