Go out of the world!
Go out of the world!
The joint action of civic and social organizations wishing for the abrogation of the National Security Law held a press conference before the building of the National Assembly on December 1 on the lapse of 70 years since the fabrication of the NSL.
Speakers said that the NSL was enforced under the pretext of "uprooting the left" 70 years ago, but, as a matter of fact, it was fabricated in accordance with the intention of foreign forces to divide the Korean Peninsula and dominate it.
This evil law has been used in branding democratic forces as "spy" and "the left" and cracking down them for a long time, they noted. The Liberty Korea Party takes a stand against the abolition of the NSL, the parent body of the “Law for Maintenance of the Public Peace” to oppress the anti-Japanese fighters for independence in the Japanese colonial rule, that is why the LKP is well-known to the world as the pro-Japanese political party, they charged.
Saying that victims of the NSL are the people, they urged the authorities to stop the investigation by the evil law and release all the prisoners of conscience.
A press release was read out at the press conference.
The NSL, which has trampled down idea, conscience and expression of freedom, is the worst legacy in the society and it is in effect even today demanding liquidation of evil legacies and aspiring after a new society, they deplored.
The international community has demanded the abolition of the NSL, however, the government, parliament and judicial authorities have turned a deaf ear to the demand, the press release condemned.
The press release said that the evil law against human rights and reunification should be abrogated in the peaceful era on the Korean Peninsula, noting that there is no reason for NSL to exist now when the south-north relations are developing.
Now the NSL, defined north Korea as the “anti-state group”, is blocking contact, visit to and exchange with north Korea, they noted and chanted slogans in demand of the abolition of the NSL.
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