50 years along the road of Juche and struggle for anti-imperialist independence in south Korea -special article by Dr Dermot Hudson to mark the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the AINDF of south Korea.
50 years along the road of Juche and struggle for anti-imperialist independence in south Korea -special article by Dr Dermot Hudson to mark the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the AINDF of south Korea.
August 25th marks the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front of south Korea(AINDF). The AINDF is an anti-imperialist resistance organisation in south Korea guided by the great Juche idea and fights for the independent reunification of Korea . It supports the Democratic People's Republic of Korea . The imperialist mainstream media who are hand in glove with the south Korean reactionaries like to blank out the existence of the AINDF and paint a false picture that there is no support for the Juche idea in south Korea which is not true although of course Juche idea fighters and anti-imperialist face repression in south Korea under the draconian National Security Law , a fascist type McCarthyite style law.
The story of the AINDF is very much an untold one as far as a lot of the Left in Western countries are concerned.It is a story of a group of dedicated revolutionaries fighting against repression and tyranny, There is a false view that somehow south Korea is a "democracy" or just a bit authoritarian but in fact it is a fascist state which has been ruled by a series of pro-US fascist dictators such as Syngham Rhee , Park Chung Hee, Roh Tae Woo and Park Geun Hye . These despots heavily repressed the people , drowning the uprisers on Cheju Island in 1948 and in Kwangju City in 1980 in a sea of blood . Any sympathy for communism could be punished by a prison sentence or even the death sentence.
The AINDF was originally formed as the Revolutionary Party for Reunification on the 25th of August 1969 ,it became the National Democratic Front of south Korea in 1985 to reflect the realities of the emerging mass democratic struggles in south Korea and in 2005 became the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front of south Korea. The AINDF has missions in Pyongyang and in Tokyo, Japan. I am proud to have visited the Pyongyang mission of the AINDF 12 times since 2008.
When Korea was liberated from Japanese imperialist colonial rule in 1945 , south Korea was occupied by the US imperialists shortly after liberation. One of the first things the US occupiers did was to ban the Communist Party and dissolve the People's Committee's . During the anti-Japanese armed struggle units of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army(KPRA), led by the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG had been active in south Korea and political workers of the KPRA were in south Korea. After 1945 the communist and revolutionary movement in south Korea not only had to face severe and bloody repression but the disruptive actions of US intelligence agents such as Pak Hong Yon and also factionalists, revisionists and opportunists .
At the 4th Congress of the Workers Party of Korea which was attended by a delegation of south Korea revolutionary organisations which included comrade Zo Il Min , who I met many times , the
great leader President KIM IL SUNG said " The people in south Korea must have an independent workers’ and peasants’ party, a party deeply rooted in the broad masses, and they must win legal status for it.
This political party to be organized by the working people in south Korea will have to unite all patriotic forces and fight for the realization of a thoroughly anti-imperialist, anti-feudal program, and for the satisfaction of the urgent demands of the south Korean people".
Later in February 1964 President KIM IL SUNG made the speech '"Let us strengthen the revolutionary forces for reunification in every way to achieve the cause of reunification of the country" With his deep insight into the requirements of the rapidly-changing situation in south Korea and the development of revolution in the 1960s, the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung taught, that the revolutionary forces in north and south Korea, the internal revolutionary forces, should be built up and solidarity with international revolutionary forces strengthened, in order to drive out the US imperialists and achieve national reunification and nationwide victory in the revolution. The great leader comrade Kim Il Sung stressed that the decisive factor was the internal revolutionary forces , the revolutionary forces of north Korea and the revolutionary forces of south Korea. He said that
"It is important ,above all, to firmly build up the main force of the revolution.The main force of the revolution means the main classes which can be mobilised in the revolution , and a Marxist Leninist Party deeply rooted among them. Revolution is only crowned with victory when workers and peasants , main classes in society are mobilised under the leadership of a Marxist-Leninist Party "
Inspired by the teaching of President KIM IL SUNG the south Korean revolutionaries formed a
Preparatory Committee for the foundation for the Revolutionary Party of Reunification on the 15th of March 1964. The organisations of the Preparatory Committee for the RPR waged active struggles including the struggle against the south-Korea-Japan talks and the visit of the US vice president. All kinds of struggle including armed struggle were carried out. The Preparatory Committee for the RPR formed united front bodies such as the Front for the Liberation of the Fatherland and the Front of the National Liberation. It also published Chongmaek and Hyokmong Chonson(Revolutionary Front)
Finally in 1969 the Revolutionary Party for Reunification was formed after a long struggle . It declared its adherence to the great Juche idea and published a 14 point platform which called for the
abolition of the colonial rule of the US imperialists and establishment an independent and democratic government. President KIM IL SUNG hailed the formation of the the RPR saying that
"As a united Marxist-Leninist party , a party of the working class was born in the hard revolutionary fight of the south Korean revolutionaries and people against the US imperialists and their stooges . With its emergence , broad masses of the oppressed and exploited people in south Korea acquired a genuine defender of their class and national interests. The south Korean people today have a reliable political general staff in their revolutionary battle for freedom and liberation"
The leaders of the RPR were martyred by the vile reactionary puppet fascist regime of the US imperialists . On the 25th of January 1969 Comrade Choi Young-do, chairman of the RPR South Cheonnam Province Committee heroically died in prison and on the 10th of July 1969 Comrade Kim Jong Tae , chairman of the RPR Seoul City Committee heroically died in prison. As he was being executed by the degenerate fascist ruffians comrade Kim Jong Tae shouted 'Long live the Juche idea, Long live the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG !". President KIM IL SUNG had the Pyongyang Electric Locomotive Factory renamed the Kim Jong Tae Electric Locomotive Factory and the Haeju University of Education renamed Kim Jong Tae University of EducationLater in 1972 other leaders of the RPR including comrade Kim Jil Rak were murdered by the diabolic puppet fascist regime .
Despite intense and heavy repression as well the dirty tricks of opportunists, worshippers of big powers , revisionists and traitors the RPR and its successors the NDFSK and AINDF upheld the great Juche idea and the teachings of the great leader President KIM IL SUNG , Chairman KIM JONG IL and dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN . They formed secret reading circles to study the Juche idea and the Juche idea is being widely disseminated in south Korea
Also the RPR and its successor organisations take part in many mass struggles . For example on the 28th of May 1980 the RPR issued Appeal to the south Korean people” referring to the fact that the Gwangju popular uprising was suppressed by the Chun Doo-hwan fascist homicidal clique and as a result the situation developed to a convulsive turmoil. The appeal called on all patriotic people of south Korea to brace themselves up in order to wipe out the brutal Chun Doo-hwan clique and hasten the dawn of democracy by firmly uniting under the banner of anti-fascist salvation.
Despite repression and weight of anti-communist , anti-DPRK, anti-Juche propaganda in south Korea the AINDF, the successor of the RPR is unbowed and unbroken , it is fighting for independence , democracy and reunification. Our UK KFA , Juche Idea Study Group and Association for the Study of Songun Politics , are deeply proud to have relations with the AINDF and to have met them many times.
We are sure that the day will come when the south Korean people led by the AINDF, their vanguard , will rise up in the final struggle for independence and reunification . Only victory and glory await the great AINDF guided by the immortal Juche idea !
Dr Dermot Hudson
President Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK
Chairman Juche Idea Study Group of England
Chairman UK Korean Friendship Association
Chairman British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula
hon secretary general International Central Committee for the Study of Songun Politics
August 25th marks the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front of south Korea(AINDF). The AINDF is an anti-imperialist resistance organisation in south Korea guided by the great Juche idea and fights for the independent reunification of Korea . It supports the Democratic People's Republic of Korea . The imperialist mainstream media who are hand in glove with the south Korean reactionaries like to blank out the existence of the AINDF and paint a false picture that there is no support for the Juche idea in south Korea which is not true although of course Juche idea fighters and anti-imperialist face repression in south Korea under the draconian National Security Law , a fascist type McCarthyite style law.
The story of the AINDF is very much an untold one as far as a lot of the Left in Western countries are concerned.It is a story of a group of dedicated revolutionaries fighting against repression and tyranny, There is a false view that somehow south Korea is a "democracy" or just a bit authoritarian but in fact it is a fascist state which has been ruled by a series of pro-US fascist dictators such as Syngham Rhee , Park Chung Hee, Roh Tae Woo and Park Geun Hye . These despots heavily repressed the people , drowning the uprisers on Cheju Island in 1948 and in Kwangju City in 1980 in a sea of blood . Any sympathy for communism could be punished by a prison sentence or even the death sentence.
The AINDF was originally formed as the Revolutionary Party for Reunification on the 25th of August 1969 ,it became the National Democratic Front of south Korea in 1985 to reflect the realities of the emerging mass democratic struggles in south Korea and in 2005 became the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front of south Korea. The AINDF has missions in Pyongyang and in Tokyo, Japan. I am proud to have visited the Pyongyang mission of the AINDF 12 times since 2008.
When Korea was liberated from Japanese imperialist colonial rule in 1945 , south Korea was occupied by the US imperialists shortly after liberation. One of the first things the US occupiers did was to ban the Communist Party and dissolve the People's Committee's . During the anti-Japanese armed struggle units of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army(KPRA), led by the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG had been active in south Korea and political workers of the KPRA were in south Korea. After 1945 the communist and revolutionary movement in south Korea not only had to face severe and bloody repression but the disruptive actions of US intelligence agents such as Pak Hong Yon and also factionalists, revisionists and opportunists .
At the 4th Congress of the Workers Party of Korea which was attended by a delegation of south Korea revolutionary organisations which included comrade Zo Il Min , who I met many times , the
great leader President KIM IL SUNG said " The people in south Korea must have an independent workers’ and peasants’ party, a party deeply rooted in the broad masses, and they must win legal status for it.
This political party to be organized by the working people in south Korea will have to unite all patriotic forces and fight for the realization of a thoroughly anti-imperialist, anti-feudal program, and for the satisfaction of the urgent demands of the south Korean people".
Later in February 1964 President KIM IL SUNG made the speech '"Let us strengthen the revolutionary forces for reunification in every way to achieve the cause of reunification of the country" With his deep insight into the requirements of the rapidly-changing situation in south Korea and the development of revolution in the 1960s, the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung taught, that the revolutionary forces in north and south Korea, the internal revolutionary forces, should be built up and solidarity with international revolutionary forces strengthened, in order to drive out the US imperialists and achieve national reunification and nationwide victory in the revolution. The great leader comrade Kim Il Sung stressed that the decisive factor was the internal revolutionary forces , the revolutionary forces of north Korea and the revolutionary forces of south Korea. He said that
"It is important ,above all, to firmly build up the main force of the revolution.The main force of the revolution means the main classes which can be mobilised in the revolution , and a Marxist Leninist Party deeply rooted among them. Revolution is only crowned with victory when workers and peasants , main classes in society are mobilised under the leadership of a Marxist-Leninist Party "
Inspired by the teaching of President KIM IL SUNG the south Korean revolutionaries formed a
Preparatory Committee for the foundation for the Revolutionary Party of Reunification on the 15th of March 1964. The organisations of the Preparatory Committee for the RPR waged active struggles including the struggle against the south-Korea-Japan talks and the visit of the US vice president. All kinds of struggle including armed struggle were carried out. The Preparatory Committee for the RPR formed united front bodies such as the Front for the Liberation of the Fatherland and the Front of the National Liberation. It also published Chongmaek and Hyokmong Chonson(Revolutionary Front)
Finally in 1969 the Revolutionary Party for Reunification was formed after a long struggle . It declared its adherence to the great Juche idea and published a 14 point platform which called for the
abolition of the colonial rule of the US imperialists and establishment an independent and democratic government. President KIM IL SUNG hailed the formation of the the RPR saying that
"As a united Marxist-Leninist party , a party of the working class was born in the hard revolutionary fight of the south Korean revolutionaries and people against the US imperialists and their stooges . With its emergence , broad masses of the oppressed and exploited people in south Korea acquired a genuine defender of their class and national interests. The south Korean people today have a reliable political general staff in their revolutionary battle for freedom and liberation"
The leaders of the RPR were martyred by the vile reactionary puppet fascist regime of the US imperialists . On the 25th of January 1969 Comrade Choi Young-do, chairman of the RPR South Cheonnam Province Committee heroically died in prison and on the 10th of July 1969 Comrade Kim Jong Tae , chairman of the RPR Seoul City Committee heroically died in prison. As he was being executed by the degenerate fascist ruffians comrade Kim Jong Tae shouted 'Long live the Juche idea, Long live the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG !". President KIM IL SUNG had the Pyongyang Electric Locomotive Factory renamed the Kim Jong Tae Electric Locomotive Factory and the Haeju University of Education renamed Kim Jong Tae University of EducationLater in 1972 other leaders of the RPR including comrade Kim Jil Rak were murdered by the diabolic puppet fascist regime .
Despite intense and heavy repression as well the dirty tricks of opportunists, worshippers of big powers , revisionists and traitors the RPR and its successors the NDFSK and AINDF upheld the great Juche idea and the teachings of the great leader President KIM IL SUNG , Chairman KIM JONG IL and dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN . They formed secret reading circles to study the Juche idea and the Juche idea is being widely disseminated in south Korea
Also the RPR and its successor organisations take part in many mass struggles . For example on the 28th of May 1980 the RPR issued Appeal to the south Korean people” referring to the fact that the Gwangju popular uprising was suppressed by the Chun Doo-hwan fascist homicidal clique and as a result the situation developed to a convulsive turmoil. The appeal called on all patriotic people of south Korea to brace themselves up in order to wipe out the brutal Chun Doo-hwan clique and hasten the dawn of democracy by firmly uniting under the banner of anti-fascist salvation.
Despite repression and weight of anti-communist , anti-DPRK, anti-Juche propaganda in south Korea the AINDF, the successor of the RPR is unbowed and unbroken , it is fighting for independence , democracy and reunification. Our UK KFA , Juche Idea Study Group and Association for the Study of Songun Politics , are deeply proud to have relations with the AINDF and to have met them many times.
We are sure that the day will come when the south Korean people led by the AINDF, their vanguard , will rise up in the final struggle for independence and reunification . Only victory and glory await the great AINDF guided by the immortal Juche idea !
Dr Dermot Hudson
President Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK
Chairman Juche Idea Study Group of England
Chairman UK Korean Friendship Association
Chairman British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula
hon secretary general International Central Committee for the Study of Songun Politics
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