LKP Should Be Thrown Overboard: KCNA Commentary

Pyongyang, November 13 (KCNA) -- Recently the "Liberal Korea Party" (LKP) of south Korea is busy "calling in brains", touting "innovation" and "renovation".

After making public the first list of "brains", billing them as "public figures", the LKP announced that it will take on more "persons of talent" through the second and third publication in the future.

It goes without saying that the move is nothing but a petty trick employed by LKP to sustain its political destiny on the verge of ruin and turn the tables by winning at any cost the election of the "Assemblymen" due in 2020.

This is reminiscent of the saying that a drowning man will catch at a straw.

Great irony is that this farce only backfired, leaving only bigger scar on the image of flippant LKP.

Those on the said list are all desperate evil-doers deserving punishment as they earned an ill fame while playing a servant role for the conservative groups such as Lee Myung Bak and Park Geun Hye groups.

It is said that Hwang Kyo An, chieftain of the LKP, appointed a former task force commander of the south Korean army, praising him as the "best brain." But it is no exaggeration to call him the "worst scoundrel."

This scoundrel is reportedly on trial for maltreatment of soldiers and corruption.

The LKP selected such evil-doers as "the most talented persons", only to betray its true colors as the dirtiest group of devils and a party of hideous traitors engrossed in sycophancy, fascist rule and corruption.

This is just the true picture of "innovation" and "renovation" much touted by the LKP.

As stinking garbage swarms with blowflies, it is quite natural that the LKP, a den of philistines, is flocked to by human scum.

What matters is the black-hearted intention of LKP reinforcing its ranks with such scum.

It seeks to seize power without fail by making the LKP die-hard far-right fascist group and take revenge on the candlelight demonstrators who oppose them.

No wonder, the south Koreans are a very vocal critic of the LKP over its farce of "calling in brains". Such criticism that the corrupt, ignorant and incompetent LKP should be brought to complete collapse, is heard even among conservatives.

South Koreans of various circles will never pardon the LKP making desperate efforts to revive the past dark age. -0-
Posted by juche007 at 02:22


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