Sharp anti-Japanese stance


Broad segments of south Koreans strongly demand a break of summit meeting with Japan for distorting its past history and evading responsibility for it.

Thirty eight civil organizations including the Gwangju Headquarters of the South Side Committee for Implementing the June 15 Joint Declaration held a news conference. At the news conference, they said Japan has not made an apology for its war crimes while distorting its past history, it marked Dok islet as its territory in its map and specified its dominium over Dok islet in its defense white paper, it is going to use "the flag of rising sun shedding rays" as a rooter’s pennant and is twisting the fact of Hashima colliery.

The summit meeting with Japan, which does not loose even a word of apology for its war crimes and history distortion, is crow-eating diplomacy and it is tantamount to acquitting Japan like south Korea-Japan agreement concluded in 2015.

Japan is going to make wrong use of Tokyo Olympic Games to realize its ambition for seizure of territory and the summit meeting with Japan is an affront to the south Koreans, the south Korean mass outlets and experts stated. 


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