Publication of resolution for the mass campaign


A few days ago, the South Side Committee for Implementing the June 15 Joint Declaration held annual joint meeting to adopt resolution.

The participants noted through the statement that the spring of the Korean peninsula would not come if the present south Korean authorities persist in the alliance with the US and arms buildup and the US administration keeps hostile policy toward DPRK.

We have to persuade the US administration to make policy switchover. We will wage an intense struggle against the US policy for world hegemony and hostile policy against the DPRK under the banner of national independence, they noted.

Meanwhile, Headquarters of Youth and Students for Implementing the June 15 Joint Declaration held 22nd session.

It confirmed orientation of this year as opposition to the hostile policy toward the DPRK, realization of national independence, extension of students' organization for the reunification and the strengthening of the unity after reviewing last year's struggle.

The special resolution "let's devote youthful ardor under the banner of the national independence for the bright future of the reunified country" was adopted in the session.


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