President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il's View of the People

President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il's View of the People


It was on December 31, 2011, the year the Korean people unexpectedly suffered the greatest loss of the nation, the demise of Chairman Kim Jong Il. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, who was suffering a greater pain of loss than anyone else, sat with officials of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea. Expressing his firm determination and will to devote his all to the people like the Chairman had done he instructed the officials to do everything in such a way as to strengthen the single-hearted unity, a valuable revolutionary heritage left by the Chairman.

Saying that it was his intention to create a wonderful image of officials, servicepersons and people being single-heartedly united around the Party, he said that by learning President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il's view of the people, all officials should go among the people, sharing good times and bad with them, and make tireless efforts for their good.

The President and the Chairman's view of the people is, in essence, the one by which to regard the people as God and give top and absolute priority to their interests and the spirit of devotedly working for the people.

An official, who worked together with the Chairman in the late 1980s, collected the Chairman's ten views of the people in his own way, and the first of the views was that the "God" he worshipped most ardently was the people.

At every opportunity the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said that only when officials possessed the President and the Chairman's view of the people could they make the single-hearted unity more powerful than nuclear weapons and accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche pioneered on Mt Paektu. And he stressed that all officials should keep the people dearly in their mind as the images of the President and the Chairman who had regarded them as their God, and devote their all to the people like they had done to the President and the Chairman.

Thus the term the President and the Chairman's view of the people became another byword meaning that the status of the people is the highest in Korea.


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