In demand of cancellation of the US-south Korea joint military drill

In demand of cancellation of the US-south Korea joint military drill


Days ago, civil organizations including the South Side Committee for Implementing the June 15 Joint Declaration, the Pan-national Council for Reconciliation and Cooperation and the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions held a press conference in the Korean Christian Association Hall in Seoul to claim that joint action is necessary for peace of the Korean Peninsula.

The situation of the Korean peninsula is volatile, if the US strategic assets are involved in the south Korea-US joint military exercise and field maneuvers are staged in August, the tension would mount, they expressed their concern through an appeal to the nation.

Showdown inviting war and military cooperation between the US, Japan and south Korea should be brought to a halt, the inter-Korean and the DPRK-US joint declarations must be implemented, and hostile acts and the US-south Korea joint military exercise should be stopped, they strongly claimed.

The participants held an inaugural ceremony of promotion committee for the August 15 meeting on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of Korea's liberation, and expressed their will to stage various solidarity campaigns for peace at about 100 cities around the world.



Stop the US-south Korea joint military drill!




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