Obstinate anti-north Korean human rights fuss

Obstinate anti-north Korean human rights fuss


The ruling People's Power Party is hell-bent on the move to set up the "North Korean Human Rights Foundation".

Some days ago, it held a grand forum for establishment of the North Korean Human Rights Foundation to stoke the hostility toward north Korea.

The Ministry of Unification keeps pace with the PPP.

The establishment of North Korean Human Rights Foundation had been legalized by enactment of the "north Korean human rights act" in the days of the Park Geun-hye regime in 2016 under the name of "investigation into the situation of north Korean human rights" and "study and policy making for improvement of north Korean human rights".

It has been on the table with strong objection at home and abroad.

The PPP, regarding showdown with north Korea as its mission, has tried hard to set up the foundation as soon as it won the position of the ruling party.  

Its goal is to build up public opinion on non-existent north Korean human rights issue to evoke accusation and pressure from international community.

In addition, it is going to paint a black picture of the dignity of north Korea and fan up its system-to-system confrontation

The PPP emphasizes the foundation should make an intensive investigation into the human rights abuses in north Korea.

North Korea is an earthly paradise in which people's rights and interests are thoroughly guaranteed, it is the people-centered society where the working people are masters of the society, everybody is equal and the people enjoy freedom and rights and it is a land of bliss in which the human rights is highly respected; these remarks were made by the people who visited north Korea.     

The PPP and the conservative forces have made desperate wriggle to dampen the aspiration for the reunification through alliance with north Korea and establish the foundation to realize its ambition of "unification under liberal democratic system".

It has made frantic effort to veil terrible situation of south Korean human rights and to tide over the ever-deepening ruling crisis.

South Korea is the place fraught with deep breath of the people.

The prices, the rate of interest and rent of house are skyrocketing and streets are swarming with the unemployed.

It devised the issue of the "north Korean human rights" in a bid to cover up the fact of human rights violation in south Korea and divert elsewhere attention of the public focused on it.

Yoon Suk-yeol and the PPP ought to make an apology to the history and people before talking about the other's human rights.  


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